Line Immunoassays

Qualitative in vitro tests for indirect detection and reliable identification of pathogen-specific antibodies and avidity determination.

Our recomLine tests offer separate detection of the corresponding antibodies in only one preparation due to the pathogen-specific antigens on each test strip. This also makes recomLine ideal for avidity testing and allows automatic processing and evaluation.

Nachweismethode <i>recom</i>Line

Safe and reliable

Our tests are characterized by high sensitivity and specificity. Test procedure and reagents are identical for all Mikrogen test strips, the reagents of recomline tests are interchangeable

Easy and detailed

Detailed information on the time of infection by means of avidity testing. Easy and fast test execution due to fully automatic processing and integrated objective evaluation with documentation by means of recomScan software.

High Standard

CE mark: Our LINE tests meet the high standard of the EC Directive 98/79/EC for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

Modular possibilities for your individual workflow

Workflow Line
Manual and fully automated processing of our Line tests with CarL -Complete automation of reclomLine. Interpretation and data output possible with recomScan software and LIS connection.

Discover our broad product portfolio for infectious diseases.

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